10 research outputs found


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    This study aims to identify the diversity and distribution of birds species for bird watching ecotourism development in the Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. Field works was conducted in three months, from October to in December 2012. Data collection, was done with line transect method at Leang-Leang, Pattunuang, and Karaenta. Geographical position of transect line (traces) was recorded by using GPS then processed with GIS in order to produced bird watching maps tourist track. Result soft his study showed that, there are 47 species of birds found in the three lines of observation track, and 23 of them (48.9%) was endemic to the island of Sulawesi. Diversity indices of birds on the observation track at Leang-Leang is 3.02, in Pattunuang 2.78, and in the Karaenta 2.25. Among the three lines of observation, the highest population abundance is at Leang-Leang tracking line. It’s equal to 29 individuals /ha while the lowest population abundance are on the Karaenta track with 9 individuals /ha. Key words: Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, Bird Watching, Ecotouris

    Karakterisasi Genetis Sumber Benih Tegakan Pinus Teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin

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    Studi genetik tegakan pinus teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan Unhas . Tujuan penelit??an ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan genetik tegakan pinus teridentifikasi di Hutan Pendidikan berdasarkan penanda RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi Silvikultur Universitas Hasanudin Makassar dan Laboratorium RSP Unhas. Metode yang digunakan adalah isolasi DNA, seleksi primer dan Analisis RAPD. Hasil analisis DNA pinus dengan menggunakan 10 jenis primer acak (OPS 11, OPP 08, OPA 02, OPG 02, OPK 20, OPY 06, OPZ 12, OPK 10, OPM 06 dan OPD 03) menunjukkan adanya pola pita dan jumlah pita polimorfik yang bervariasi yaitu antara 8 ??? 22 pita. Pada taraf kesamaan 60 % hampir semua indifidu membentuk klaster tersendiri, kecuali pada indifidu sampel 22, 23 dan 24 berada dalam klaster yang sama. Jarak genetik pinus yang terjauh adalah 0.9630 (antara sampel 6 dengan sampel 30) sedangkan jarak genetik terdekat adalah 0.2698 (antara sampel 17 dengan sampel 19). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan jarak genetik dan dendogram yang terbentuk menunjukkan keragaman genetik antara individu tegakan pinus teridentifikasi tergolong tinggi


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    This study aims to determine the potential of wildlife diversity that can be developed as an ecotourism attraction in the Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Unhas Educational Forest. The data was collected by survey method using the line transect method and concentration point count method. Data were analyzed to determine the ecological indices, ie; Richness Indices, Evenness Indices, and Diversity Indices. The results showed that Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, have the wild life of mammals, birds, insects, reptiles and frogs that have the potential to be used in the development of ecotourism. The wildlife to be developed as an ecotourism attraction, are the Sulawesi Black Monkey, Tarsier, Couscous, Sulawesi Civets, Deer and Wild Boar, as well as a variety of birds, reptiles and frogs.

    Identifikasi tutupan vegetasi dan potensi fisik lahan untuk pengembangan ekowisata di laboratorium lapangan konservasi sumberdaya hutan dan ekowisata hutan pendidikan Unhas

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    The aims of this study are to identify vegetation coverage and physical potential of land that can be developed as an ecotourism attraction, and plan for the management of ecotourism development space in the Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Unhas Educational Forest. Vegetation cover, was interpreted from satellite images by using remote sensing techniques, while the physical land potential data information was collected through direct measurements in the field by using GPS, compass and meter. Data analysis was done by using GIS with overlay method and Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The results showed that the Field Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Unhas Educational Forest, has natural forest vegetation and pine plantations forest covering 91.32% of the total land area of 311 ha, that potentially for the development of ecotourism. Some interesting physical potential to be developed as an ecotourism attraction, is a waterfall, mountain peaks, camping ground and a research station


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    This study aims to determine the activity of the utilization of forest resources and to know local community wisdom related to protection forest in the Alu Village areas. This research was conducted by using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) method. Respondents in this study were communities living in and around the protection forest area and conducting activities in the forms of utilizing the forest resources. The observed variables were the forms of community activities in the protection forest and local community wisdom in using the forest resources. The results show that activities of villagers consist of: 1) the use of timber for home construction or repair and for fuel wood, 2) the utilization of rattan, 3) the utilization of bamboo, 4) the utilization of palm, 5) the utilization of honey bee and other forest products. In addition, local community wisdom in the utilization of forest products was found to be in the form of prevailing institutions in the village of Alu. The forms of institutions are forest harvesting institutions, forest land use institutions, and forest protection and security institutions. In general, Alu Villagers have the awareness to preserve the environment, ecological balance and sustainability of the population to be bequeathed to their generation. Yet, the wisdom is prone to turn down particularly in the institution of timber utilization. Key words: Forest resource utilization, protected forest, local wisdom, Alu Villager

    Pola Penyebaran dan Struktur Populasi Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Hasanuddin, Kabupaten Maros Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    Eboni merupakan salah satu jenis keanekaragaman hayati yang endemik di Indonesia\ud khususnya di Kepulauan Sulawesi. Tumbuhan ini merupakan penghasil kayu yang tergolong\ud mewah (Fancy wood) dan menjadi primadona dalam dunia perdagangan kayu. Akan tetapi kualitas\ud Eboni tidak sebanding dengan karakteristik pertumbuhan yang sangat lambat serta penyebarannya\ud yang sangat terbatas. Karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan\ud informasi mengenai pola penyebaran dan struktur populasi eboni khususnya di Hutan Pendidikan\ud Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) dengan harapan dapat menjadi masukan yang penting untuk\ud usaha-usaha budidaya jenis eboni.\ud Pengambilan data dilakukan di tegakan eboni dalam kawasan Hutan Pendidikan Unhas\ud dengan menggunakan metode jalur berpetak dengan sistematik sampling. Jalur yang dibuat\ud sebanyak 3 jalur, dimana setiap jalur dibuat plot pengamatan dengan ukuran 20 x 20 m secara\ud berkesinambungan tanpa adanya jarak antar plot. Untuk memperoleh pola penyebaran eboni, data\ud dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Indeks Morisita dan untuk mengetahui struktur populasi di\ud setiap kelas lereng di Hutan Pendidikan Unhas, data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode\ud tabulasi dan membuat diagram sebaran berbentuk batang. Selain itu juga dibuatkan kurva struktur\ud populasi pada setiap tingkat pertumbuhan di setiap kelas lereng.\ud Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eboni dari berbagai tingkat pertumbuhan yaitu semai\ud hingga tingkat pohon, memiliki pola penyebaran mengelompok. Akan tetapi ada kecenderungan\ud semakin tinggi tingkat pertumbuhan eboni maka tingkat pengelompokan semakin menurun atau\ud menuju pola acak. Populasi eboni pada setiap kelas lereng bervariasi untuk berbagai tingkat\ud pertumbuhan. Adapun kurva struktur populasi adalah berbentuk J terbalik pada setiap kelas lereng.\ud Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa jumlah individu eboni sangat melimpah pada tingkat pertumbuhan\ud semai dan mengalami pengurangan jumlah individu seiring tingkat pertumbuhannya


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    The Bulusaraung Mountain is a lowland forest and is one of the main ecosystems owned by Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. Therefore, this study aims to determine the species composition and vegetation structure of lowland forests in the complex of Bulusaraung Mountain. The research was conducted from April to May 2018. Data collection was carried out using a 20 × 20 meter plot placed on the Balleanging, Tokaddaro  and Tompobulu track lines based on altitude (550 m asl, 650 m asl, and 750 m asl). The result of this study show that there are 44  species were found on tree class, 65 species on  pole class,  40 species on  sapling class and  25 species on seedling class. The species composition in the study area was dominated Palaquium obovatum, Persea rimosa, Arthrophyllum diversifolium, Cryptocarya laevigata, and Engelhardia serrata, while Psychotria leptothyrsa, Antidesma bunius, Maesa ramentacea, Ficus sandpaper, Baccaurea javanica, Symplocos maliliency, Callicarpa pentandra, and Saurauia tristyla is a type of tree that differentiates at each altitude. The structure of the forest canopy layer at an altitude of 550 m above sea level consists of three canopy layers, while at an altitude of 650 and 750 m above sea level consisting only of two canopy layers. The cover of forest canopy in all sampling locations was reached 75-90%


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    Liana is group of climbing species which is typical and characterize the tropical rain forest. This species have important value both ecologically and economically. However, data on this group on species in South Sulawesi, in particular in the Hasanuddin University Experimental Forest is not yet available.This study aimed to determine the diversity and abudance liana species present in the natural forest area of Hasanuddin University Experimental Forest. 15 plots was set in the order to observe the diversity and abudance of liana species. The data were analysed and presented interm of important value index, diversity index, abudance index, and evenness index. The results showed that there were various species of liana in which there were found 81 species, consist of 764 individuals. The most common species was Smilax sp, wich mostly claimb on Toona sureni, Buchanania arboreschense and Flacortia rucam as a host. Key words: diversity, abudance, liana, natural forest, Hasanuddin University Experimental Fores


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    The aims of this study is to determine the strategy of tourism development in Matano Lake, East Luwu Regency South Sulawesi Province. The result of this study is expected to become a reference in management and development of ecotourism and empower local communities to improve their living standards. Data collection was carried out by direct observations of bio-physical and other supporting factors for ecotourism potency. In addition, deep interviews using questionnaire was also carried out to know the local people and government perception related to future ecotourism programs that could be applied in Matano Lake. Data analysis showed that there were 7 strategies that can be implemented for the development of ecotourism in Matano Lake, i.e. (1) to develop community-based ecotourism programs, (2) to develop potential of nature tourism in the area, (3) to undertake promotion programme and dissemination of information that are focused on nature-based tourism in Matano Lake for local people, (4) to increase involvement of managers, (5) to establish cooperation between all parties in the management area, (6) to recommend PT.Vale to involve in management area, such as to build infrastructure and equip facilities for eco-tourism and (7) to disseminate the development of ecotourism to the public